Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Decorating the 5th Wall in Your House

Did you know that designers consider the ceiling the 5th wall in your house?
I certainly didn't until I was reading a decorating blog and came across it. I then googled "5th wall decorating" and was astounded at what I found! There are lots of great ideas out there! I loved the pictures I found HERE. They are not my style but it was really eye opening to see what others have done.
Once I realized that the ceiling could be a decorative area I went out to my box 'o' decor and drug out this amazing pink ceiling fixture that a dear friend gave me.

This light is non functional but it looks AMAZING in my bathroom! I consider it a jewel on my ceiling and I enjoy looking at it each time I go into the bathroom. It really helps that the pink is almost an exact match to the tile on my walls! I never would have thought to hang it in my bathroom as a decoration but that just goes to show you that crafters are always inspiring one another!

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